Description: Manage Google cloud storage buckets. Syntax: gcs_bucket(fd,bucket) Note: This external library function (Sestorage bucket, create, check
Description: External library function (See External Library Guide). Copy files in a storage bucket to the local, or locstorage bucket, copy
Description: Get the specified object in a storage bucket. Syntax: gcs_file(fd,bucket,key[:cs]) Note: External library fstorage bucket
Description: List storage buckets in the Google Cloud Storage platform or files in the specified storage bucket. Syntax:storage bucket, list
Description: Manage OSS storage buckets. Syntax: oss_bucket(fd,bucket) Note: External library function (See External Libstorage bucket, create, check
Description: Copy a file in the OSSS bucket to local, or a local file to the OSS bucket. Syntax: oss_copy(fd,bucket:key,storage bucket, copy
Description: Get the specified object in an OSS bucket. Syntax: oss_file(fd,bucket,key[:cs]) Note: External library funcstorage bucket
Description: List files in OSS buckets or the specified bucket. Syntax: oss_list(fd,[bucket]) Note: External library funstorage bucket, object list
Description: Manage Windows Azure Storage buckets. Syntax: was_bucket(fd,bucket) Note: External library function (See Exstorage bucket, create, check
Description: Copy a file in the WAS storage bucket to local, or a local file to the WAS storage bucket. Syntax: was_copystorage bucket, copy